
If the employees are posted overseas? Which public holiday to follow?

If the employees are posted overseas? Which public holiday to follow?

Generally, if the employee is posted oversea, he/she should follow the public holiday at oversea. However, the situation becomes arguable if the employee is posted overseas while the home country is having holiday, or he/she is required to travel during non working days.

In many such cases, it is depending on the company policy or practices. Majority of the company will allow employee to have additional day leave if the employee is posted oversea to work while it is the holiday for the home country. However, company generally will not reimburse or pay for the employee if he/she is required to travel during weekend.

This is not the rule / regulation that need to follow, but the practice may vary from company to company. Company shall make clear to employee in advance or state in the Business Travel policy, at least the employee is aware of the situation.