
For staff who are entitled to 16 weeks Maternity Leave and decided to consume the last 8 weeks separately. How should we calculate the remaining 8 we

For staff who are entitled to 16 weeks Maternity Leave and decided to consume the last 8 weeks separately. How should we calculate the remaining 8 weeks for leave (i.e. the number of days) for deduction?

The last 8 weeks of the maternity leave can be taken in flexibly, upon mutual agreement of both employer and employee. Depends on the weekly working days, the last 8 weeks can be calculated as 8 x 5 days = 40 days. If the flexibly of last 8 weeks being used, it shall not taken out the Public Holiday, she shall entitled to 40 days. This 40 days shall be taken within 12 months from the date of delivery.